
catch up

Well it's been over a week since my last post so here is the "catch up" post.

In the last week I have finished ( I think... ) purchasing the last of the items needed for the wedding. The big stress stuff is over and now I'm just going to try my hardest to stay calm and enjoy the next week. We are getting married in 8 days!!! I still have packing to do along with a few other things but I'm to the excited stage rather than the freak out stage I was in.

Tomorrow is my bridal shower. I am super excited about this. Some people that I love dearly cannot be there and I will miss them. I completely understand the reasons for not being able to come and pray that they are all safe in their travels and other adventures. Love you all!!!
The women/girls in the family are all meeting for lunch tomorrow before the shower to spend some much needed time just hanging out, and eating of course!! I can not wait for this! I know it sounds totally selfish but this is my party and I am loving it!! :) I'm not usually fond of being the center of attention but I think tomorrow will be fantastic. I hope to take lots of pictures... well have someone take some for me. I don't have the best camera and I will be busy with other things.

Stay tuned...



Ok, Johannah is the sweet doll that took our photos and will be taking more. The title to this blog is actually her blog title. Visit her at pho[jo.]tography.blogspot.com.

As I said previously she has been a blessing in my life. I have had the privilege of watching her mature into an amazing little lady over the past several years. Below are some of our crazy, yet very normal pictures.

I heart her!!

Here we have the "Karate-Kid" style Hannah and I trying to make a serious face

Oh Falls Creek memories... Jo decided to come to my bunk to hang out for a while

...Falls Creek again. It was nerd day so Jo dressed up and I am nerdy enough to be myself on said nerd day.

This is "Argh matey, I have a cookie for me eye" Hannah

And alas... the "I swear if you don't get that camera out of my face I'm going to kick you" look.

Well friends, there you have her. The amazing, talented, beautiful and random Johannah.

Did I mention that I adore this girl!?!

we got shot!

No, there were no bullets... It was our "engagement" photo shoot. We are blessed to have a wonderful young lady named Johannah in our lives. She is talented in so very many ways and one of those ways is photography. We have asked her to photograph every aspect of the wedding and all that goes along with that. She is doing our "engagement" pictures, bridal shots, rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, and then the day of the wedding she will be there from beginning to end with her handy dandy camera. I am so excited that she is doing this for us and feel so blessed that this amazing young woman is part of our lives.

Below are a few of my favorite shots of the "engagement" session. Dennis, Tyler and I had such a blast during our shoot.

Thanks, Jo!!