

Ok, Johannah is the sweet doll that took our photos and will be taking more. The title to this blog is actually her blog title. Visit her at pho[jo.]tography.blogspot.com.

As I said previously she has been a blessing in my life. I have had the privilege of watching her mature into an amazing little lady over the past several years. Below are some of our crazy, yet very normal pictures.

I heart her!!

Here we have the "Karate-Kid" style Hannah and I trying to make a serious face

Oh Falls Creek memories... Jo decided to come to my bunk to hang out for a while

...Falls Creek again. It was nerd day so Jo dressed up and I am nerdy enough to be myself on said nerd day.

This is "Argh matey, I have a cookie for me eye" Hannah

And alas... the "I swear if you don't get that camera out of my face I'm going to kick you" look.

Well friends, there you have her. The amazing, talented, beautiful and random Johannah.

Did I mention that I adore this girl!?!