
happy birthday tyler!

Tyler's birthday was last week and yes, I am just now posting about it! We've been kind of busy and if you read the post below... you know this already.

It was his 10th birthday and I was able to take a half day off work and bake cupcakes and take to his school for his whole class!! They were a pretty big hit!!

Then, hubby planned a big paintball party for Ty and several of his friends and a few other dads to help of course... Well, it got rained out!! It was just to wet and flat out COLD to try to make a party of it. Such a bummer. It is rescheduled and he was a great sport about it. Maybe I can tag along when they go.

We were able to go to granny's house on Saturday evening and eat hamburgers and hotdogs and they were so yummy!!! Nothing like a granny and papa's cookin'.
Poor Tyler was burnt out on cake by this point and we were going to have sundaes. Granny also bough a watermelon to eat for dessert. We ended up ditching the sundaes and chowing down on the melon.

Here are the pics of the cutest darn birthday boy and his fabulous watermelon birthday "cake".

He got to light the candles himself. He loved that part!!

Den and I are so blessed to have Tyler. We cannot imagine our lives without him.

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